Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tuesday Just Another Tuesday

Celtic knight ~Trades in kelpie to resolve long time  ~Rust dilemma #haiku #aLtwic

Coffee aroma   ~Old white cat separately celebrate    ~Dark morning #haiku

Old white   ~Cat slowly retraces this morning pathway  ~ Smiling feathers #haiku

Celtic knight  ~Consoles tearful kelpie business, just business   ~Nothing personal  #haiku  #haikuchallenge #aLtwic

Resourceful Kelpie   ~Recalculates personal eigenvalue adds  ~ Lemon juice  #haiku  #haikuchallenge #aLtwic #lqw

Monday, February 21, 2011


Multicolored burro,
Reaches for companionship, 
Feeling alone

Prehistoric soils,
This moment I watch,
Past windowpanes

Braying burro,
Watched by young love ,
Ignoring morning

Pacing buffalo,
Questioning imaginary gate,
Forever confined

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Friends with Fur & Feathers

 Bamboo barrier,
Possess glum tiger’s,
Free will
 Bamboozled duck,
Scrutinizes leaves,
 Bucket of goats,
Family together warms,
Cold morning
Crooked beaked,
Shadow passes time,
Till SunDown

Beside the pond,
Friday afternoon tiger,
Watches me
Educated one,
Summer school class,
Read again

 Pachyderms sway,
Smiling to the crowd,
Rain dance

Pink spoonbill,
Hunts my backyard,  

 Reddish heroin,
Calls for ,

 Shy tiger,
Covers eyes,

Squirrel tree,
Listening to you ,
Watches me 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bottled Haiga

Without a sound,
Bottled sun escalates,
Deposit paid

StarLand Bee,
With joyful wings,
Summons day 

Milk drinker, 
Collects cereal bowl,
Tree house breakfast

Starland Dairy 101

In the early 1900’s, The Starland Dairy and The Savannah Dairy became close neighbors on the north side of Victory Drive situated on Bull Street and Drayton Street.  They serviced the growing city of Savannah with their dairy processing and bottling plants.  In 1932 The Savannah Dairy was built on site at 2424 Drayton Street, which is the same footprint of the Drayton Arts Center today. In 1934, the dairy changed hands and became Foremost Dairies. 
Foremost gained customers while the city of Savannah grew in population as evidenced in the 1950 
telephone directory full page advertisement stating “The finest in 
Ice Cream and Old Fashioned French Deluxe”.
In 1968, Farmbest Foods, Inc. bought out Foremost and remained on location as a functioning Dairy until 1976.  The building then fell into ruin and was used as random warehousing, until 2004.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Even the Struthio Camelus Forgets

What do you mean you forgot MY Valentine's Day card?
How long before she forgets I forgot??
Not yet she still look's Mad, run away run away!!
A man's house is his castle. ~James Otis
Is SHE right behing me??
Ok OK A man's home is his wife's castle. ~HER

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Heart’s eyes see only that first day.

A Saturday Celebration: St. Valentine’s Day

Always is that someone
as before we became we.

Faults obvious to others,
love blinded for us to see.

Differences long forgotten,
to be opposites.

Same destination arrived,
from two different paths.

Oblivious to all reason,
we travel hand in hand.

Laughing and cursing,
gravity’s unkind affects.

Heart’s eyes see only,
that first day.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Watcher Haiku

 Sunless interval, 
Sensitivity to eccentric presence,
Who watches
Waitin mother,
Nature’s indecivisiveness,
Pssst-come join

The wet one,
From our tree trunk,
Calls me

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Beach Haiku

Wandering dreamers,
Over beach front,
Wind sound
The dawn,
Through startled leafs,
Scatters winter frost

Names I know not,
Beachcombers from the North,
Enjoyment named
Beach’s aging lifeguard,
Looks longingly to retirement,
Yes Peter Pan
Beach way ramp,
Decisions to be made,
Left or left

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Blue Night

Under spinning stars,
6 miles from town,
Polished Bass weegins,
Madras Gant shirt,
Silver flask
Moon light dances,
With Agastache cana,
Hummmingbirds excitement
Stomach butterflies,
Palms sweat,
Anticipation mounts
Distant dust,
Blaring radio brings,
Farmer’s Daughter

Monday, January 31, 2011

Sunday Haiku

Hostage Sun,
 Inside fog’s drop,
Ransom paid
Gravity pulls,
Morning fog drops,
Lessening grip 
 Spider’s thoroughfare, 
Slick with fog droplets, 
Soon dry 
Climbing sun,
Stands on top of fence,
Clear day